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Pandan Indah Commercial Park Buyers Association are unhappy with the conditions of two multi-storey carparks.

The carparks are used by taxi drivers who park there while others use the facility to store tyres. There are also pools of stagnant water which are becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Parts of the carparks have been cordoned off with grilles.

The commercial area is predominantly occupied by car workshops. Only the ground floors of the buildings are fully occupied.

Association member Quek Boon Kim said the commercial property was handed over in 2000 but the carparks were misused as a recycling centre and a banner-making factory.

He said there were problems with the certificate of fitness (CF), which the developer failed to obtain from the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ).

Clean it up: Pools of stagnant water and piles of rubbish in one of the carparks are potential health hazards.

"The developer refused to take over the responsibilities, so they just left it for years until they rented it out to a banner-making factory and recycling centre.

"I think the developer was only given a temporary CF for the carparks. One of the carpark buildings has sunk, so it is quite worrying.

"When the property was sold to us, the carparks were included but we never got to utilise them," he said.

State housing, building management and squatters committee chairman Iskandar Abdul Samad visited the site to identify and clarify issues faced by the association.

"There are 1,584 parking bays here including those in the multi-storey carparks. The developer had informed us during a meeting last week that they have sold off the multi-storey carparks," he said.

Barred from entering: Iskandar (left) with Pandan Indah Commercial Park JMB treasurer How Yoke Wah looking at the grille that was installed to prevent people from using the carpark.

Iskandar added that according to the planning approval, the multi-storey carparks were part of the development in the commercial area.

"But they can't change the status of the carparks to other purposes. We have asked MPAJ to inform the new owners of its status because there is talk of a plan to build a college here.

"There is land settlement for the sinking carpark, so the developer needs to send a report to MPAJ on that matter," he said, adding there was a lack of occupancy of the shop and office lots in the commercial park.

In a related issue, Iskandar spoke about the 19 blocks with different joint management bodies (JMB), which had been combined into one JMB last year.

"Every block has different strata titles and JMBs, but the buildings aren't fully occupied, so it was better to have one JMB to oversee all.

"There are several problems with the titles among the shopowners. From our meeting with the developer, we have asked them to sort it out. The shopowners need to settle their quit rent and the developer will submit the right titles to the Land Office," he said - BY FAZLEENA AZIZ, PHOTOS BY KIMBERLY YEO (METRO STAR).

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