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FROM CHARLES HECTOR BLOGSPOT : Were Developers behind Elizabeth Wong's privacy invasion?

There have been a whole lot of theories/speculations out there about who was behind the circulation of the photos (possibly also a VDO) infringing the rights to privacy of Bukit Lanjan State Assemblyperson (State Assemblyman is a gender insensitive term), Elizabeth Wong...Why was it done?

Yesterday, a Star report suggested that "...It could be her no-nonsense approach to environmental and other issues that led to someone “framing” her by circulating her scandalous pictures...". It also reported: '...that Wong played a prominent role in ensuring that the state government issued a blanket ban on hillside development in the state following the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide on Dec 6...“If the culprit or culprits succeed in removing an ‘unfriendly’ exco member, this can be repeated again and again,”

It could be her no-nonsense approach to environmental and other issues that led to someone “framing” her by circulating her scandalous pictures, executive councillor Iskandar Abdul Samad said of his colleague Elizabeth Wong.
Iskandar, who is in charge of housing, building management and squatters, said Wong could have stepped on toes since she took office 11 months ago.
“She has been very firm when dealing with environmental issues and the culprit could have been anyone at the receiving end of her crusade,” he said.
He noted that Wong played a prominent role in ensuring that the state government issued a blanket ban on hillside development in the state following the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide on Dec 6.
Iskandar said Wong had also been uncompromising with polluters, whom she called bio-terrorists.
He said it was frightening that such a crime could befall other exco members.
“If the culprit or culprits succeed in removing an ‘unfriendly’ exco member, this can be repeated again and again,” he said. - Star, 19/2/2009, Iskandar: Wong may have been framed

So, when you get a clean and firm government official, ADUN, MP, Exco Member, Cabinet Member...then, it may be 'good business' for some to get rid of him/her as soon as possible using whatever means possible...that seems the theory....and, I do believe that this can and do happen.

Anyway, the report did not make any direct accusations against anyone - but somehow the Housing Developers (represented through their organisation, REHDA) seem to be feeling 'guilty', and I wonder why?

Maybe that they felt that the accusations were directed at them...After all, Housing Developers may/would have a lot to lose if there is a total hillside debelopment ban - or if there are more stringent conditions/requirements that they have to comply with, would they not?]

It reminded me of the Malay proverb (bidal) , i.e. siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedas... (He who eat cili, feels the heat...something like that).

Selangor state executive council member Iskandar Abdul Samad should retract his recent statement claiming that Elizabeth Wong may have been sabotaged by someone who was at the receiving end of her environmental crusade.
Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association patron Datuk Eddie Chen said Iskandar should make the retraction to “safeguard his reputation and good working relationship with developers.”
Iskandar’s statement on Wednesday had claimed the sabotage on Wong could be owing to her no-nonsense approach to environmental and other issues, leading to someone “framing” her by circulating her scandalous pictures.
Iskandar, among other things, said Wong might have stepped on someone’s toes as she played a prominent role in ensuring that the state government issued a blanket ban on hillside development in the state following the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide on Dec 6.
Chen said Iskandar’s statement implicating developers was simplistic and offensive.
“We will never use dirty tactics to get what we want. Rehda is not a political party. We seek to change government policies through technical and professional arguments and by lobbying.
“We may have disagreements with YB Elizabeth, but we are willing to wait until we can convince the Government of safe slope development. - Star Online, 20/2/2009, Retract statement, developers tell exco member

And, the reason as to why there should be a retraction - " ...should make the retraction to “safeguard his reputation and good working relationship with developers.”..." - does this not sound like a threat?

To safeguard his reputation - what does this mean? If not, are we also going to see some pictures and video about this ADUN as well? If not, are we going to see some other 'scandal'..?

safeguard ...good working relationship with developers - What is this? What does it mean? More political donations? More gifts? what does this really mean?

Peoples representative serve the people - their constituents, and are to act in their best interest without fear or favour.

I do hope this developer's association clarify this report - and certainly withdraw their 'threats' (And, in my opinion their words are threats...but you may have a different view..)

For peoples' representatives, we do NOT want them to have 'close/good relationship' with developers, big businesses, the rich, the employers, the powerful - they should be having the closest relationship with their constituents, the ordinary people ...the 'small' people.

It is sad that many politicians, after being elected, spend just too much time with the rich and the powerful, sometimes even side-lining the very people that they do represent. They have time to personally sit down with the rich...but is too busy for their ordinary constituents, who sometimes can only finally meet some assistant of theirs...

This was previously a phenomena with a lot of BN MP/ADUNs - but today some say that this is also becoming the case with regard to the Pakatan Rakyat reps as well.

Friday, February 20, 2009

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